Monday, April 20, 2009

Here's what I've been doing...

These are old deals so I won't go into details, but I just wanted to prove that I had good intentions of posting.

See I even took pictures!

Food Lion - spent $4.90, saved $5.98 (55%)

S went to CVS for me while I was at the beach and although he gave me everything back in a neat, orderly fashion, I misplaced the receipt. I DO know that everything was only .05 before tax b/c S was very proud of himself! :o)

CVS, Spent $.28, Saved $75.48

Wags - Spent $2.06, Saved $30.02

CVS - Spent $-.04, Saved $99.46 - Yes, that's right - I was in the negative before tax!! You gotta love free laundry detergent.

Now it's too late to get the Purex deal (wow! did those coupons go fast!) but the steal of THIS week is the Dove Skin Vitalizer. It's on sale for $4.00 (for a savings of $8.99 in most stores!) and there was an IP available for $3.75, making it only .25! (FYI - I just printed mine this morning and when I went back to get the link it wasn't showing there anymore.)

Or if you were lucky enough to get a CRT for any Dove products as some people have, it could become a money maker as well. Click HERE for more details.

Even without a coupon, it's still a great price if you've ever wanted to try it like me!


Aspiemom said...

What is OOP and ECB?

I just found your blog through There's Always Room for One More. You do an AMAZING job! I want to learn some things from you so I've signed up to Follow!

Angie H. said...

I have a question....
What is a RX giftcard?
I notice that you use them alot..
How do you get them?

Netts Nook said...

Way to go thanks for sharing what a saver you must be.

Aspiemom said...

Thanks for answering my question. Now I have another!

The ECB - you mention an ECB "balance". They aren't accumulative, are they? Can you find them at their site (I'll have to look around it) or only inside their stores? Never heard of them!

The Royal Family said...

that's it! I am moving out to go shopping with you!

Check out the list of freebies today on the BUZZ

Brandy said...

Angie H - CVS puts out coupons sometimes for a FREE $25 GC for new or transferred Rx's. They even will take competitors coupons at most stores, so if you get a coupon for Walgreens or Rite-Aid, CVS will accept them.

I've been able to do this twice so far @ CVS and once @ Wags and since my out of pocket expenses are usually low at CVS they last me a long time.