Sunday, July 19, 2009

Kroger - 7/18

Total: 3.75 w/ tax Saved: 56.53 (94%)

I bought these 10 Mega Sale items in order to receive a $5 discount (all prices are AFTER the MS discount):
3 - Kelloggs Miniwheats - 1.99 - 1.00 Q = .99/each
2 - Kroger Pizzas - .49 -.15 employee dis = .34/each
1 - Daisy sour cream - 1.49 - 1.00 Q = .49
1 - Healthy Choice - 1.79 - 1.00 Q = .79
2 - Dog Chow - 3.49 - 3.50 IP = Free
1 - Temptations cat treats - .99 - 1.00 Q = Free

And I got all these items for Free + overage by using manufacturer coupons:
1 - Starbucks ice cream - 2.55 - 3.49 Q = .94 overage
1 - Hunts ketchup - 1.33 - 1.49 Q = .16 overage
3 - Purina kitten chow - 1.99 - 2.19 Q = .20 overage/each
1 - Powerade - .99 - 1.49 Q = .50 overage
1 - Kashi waffle - 2.99 - 3.39 Q = .40 overage
2 - Chiquita apple bites - 1.00 - 1.00 Q = free
2 - Chiquita pineapple bites - 1.00 - 1.19 Q = .19 overage/each

4 - Frozen lemonades - .85/each
1 - Kroger milk - 1.27

I used one of my $4.00 catalinas from the Kroger/Kraft deal last week & I also receive an employee discount on any Kroger brand item. Plus, for some reason there is a "frozen food" discount on my receipt. I suspect it is something for employees but I'm not sure. :)

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