Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Kroger Trip - 4/27 {68% Savings!}

1/2 gallon Kroger Orange Juice - 1.12
1 gallon Kroger Skim Milk - 2.24
3 - Lunchables - 1.79/each
2 - Yoplait Greek yogurt - 1.00/each
6 - Nestle Milk - 1.00/each
2 - Sobe Lifewater - 1.00/each
5.32lb Ground Beef - 7.41 *md*

$3 catalina from previous order
$1/1 Lunchable x3
.45/1 Yoplait Greek yogurt IP x2
.35/1 Nestle Milk tearpad x6
BOGO Sobe Lifewater

Total: $12.83
Saved: $27.23 (68% Savings)
Received: $3 ONYO catalina from the Lunchables

**Catalina Alert: Buy 1 Lunchable @ $1.79 and receive $1 Catalina! Expires 5/18/10
Use $1/1 coupon from 3/21 SS to turn this into a .21 Money Maker!

1 comment:

JSColdwell said...

Good savings! I wish I was better at coupons and savings. I'm trying SO hard though!!