Saturday, June 26, 2010

6/26 CVS Trip

4 - Windex - 2.50/each* (raincheck)
2 - Bayer aspirin - 2.99** (raincheck)
1 - CVS tylenol - 3.99
2 - Colgate Total toothpaste - 1.99/each***
1 - Coloring book - 1.99
3 - Betty Crocker Warm Delights - .88/each
2 - Powerbar - .99
9 - Gold Emblem candy - .19/each (clearance)

$1/1 Windex multi-surface x4 (mgr okay'd substitute)
$1/1 Bayer aspirin x2
$1/1 Colgate Total x2
$2 off book wyb 2 Colgate items
.75/1 BC Warm Delights x3
$1/3 Gold Emblem CRT
$16 ECBs

Total: .84
Received: $18.98 ECB ($5 Windex*, $5 Household items, $4 Colgate, $3 CVS tylenol, $1.98 Powerbar)

*I received $5 for raincheck & then $5 for next week's sale since it was activated at my store.

**I gave the cashier a raincheck for the Bayer that should have made them $1/each but she voided the wrong one, but then scanned both coupons since I bought two boxes.

***Because next weeks sale was activated the Colgate rang up at $1.99 and the cashier had to manually print the ECBs.

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