Wednesday, September 15, 2010

9/15 Food Lion Trip - AMAZING deal on water!

Food Lion has Aquapod 8 packs on sale this week for $1 PLUS there is a catalina offer happening right now that makes them FREE!

Buy 3 packs @ $1/each = $3
Receive $3 catalina = FREE (or just tax)

Since they are rolling I hit up a few stores and managed to get 21 packs for $3.58 and I STILL have a $3 catalina left so really I got all this for only .58!! (No I did not clear any shelves. That's bad couponing IMO.)

Basically my transactions went like this:

#1 - Aquapods x 3 = $3.08 (w/ tax)

#2-7 - Aquapods x 3 - $3 catalina = .08 (tax)

Sale ends 9/28.


Unknown said...

OHH my son Loves the "Tiny waters" as he calls them
8-29 insert had 1.50 off 2 coupon so this is a great deal Thanks!

Unknown said...

Super awesome deal. Thank you so much for posting this!

Sherri said...

Thanks for the tip! My son loves little water bottles and these are great for his soccer games! Thank you for posting.