Monday, April 18, 2011

4/18 Food Lion Trip - 55% Saved


Vlasic pickles x 4 - $2.99 BOGO = $5.98
.75/1 blinkie x 4 (right in front of pickles) = $2.98 for 4 ginormous jars of pickles!

Cucumber x 2 = $1.78
Bananas = $1.45
Gala apples = $1.72
Garlic = .79
$3/$6 Produce FLIP = $2.74 for all that produce!

Lean Pockets x 3 - $5.00
$1.50/3 Lean Pockets IP = $3.50

Luck's pinto beans x 2 = $1.20

Northern beans = .75

Smithfield ham = $7.37 ($1.07/lb!)

Total: $19.10
Saved: $23.35 (55%)

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