Saturday, March 3, 2012

3/3 CVS Trip: Saved $23.49


Remember the Scott transaction I posted yesterday?  Well it didn't work out as I had planned. Even after going to three different stores I couldn't find any Scott Tissue. At. All.*

And I had bought the 3 Scott Towels at the first store so I figured I needed to make it work anyway.

Here is what I got:

Scott Towels x 3 ($5.49)
$.99/1 printable x 3 =  $13.50
Fantastik, Windex, Shout x 2 ($3.00) = $12.00
Combox = $1.50

Used: $6.99 ECB + $10 GC

Total: $11.47
Saved: $23.49
Received: $10 GC

*The manager at my regular store said that one person came in Sunday morning and cleaned them out of all the Scott products and they didn't have any come in on their truck.

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