Monday, April 19, 2010

Kroger Trip - 4/18

3 - Redi-whip - $2/each
3 - Betty Crocker potatoes - .99/each
2 - Simply Lemonades - $1/each
4 - Sobe Lifewater - $1/each
1 - Kroger Orange Juice - $1.13
1 - Doritos - $1.98
1lb Strawberries - $1.88
3lb Chicken Tenderloins - $6.75

$1/1 Redi-Whip (x3)
.40/1 Betty Crocker potatoes IP (I had two but cashier only scanned one.)
.25/1 Betty Crocker potatoes
.50/1 Sobe Lifewater (x4)
$1.50 off Kroger frozen chicken

Total: $16.62
Saved: $24.11 (59%)
Received: $3 OYNO catalina for the BC potatoes (promo ended yesterday)

1 comment:

*Katy* said...

Our Kroger also has bumblebee tunafish on sale and there were coupons in the paper a couple of weeks ago which makes the total less than .50 for each can!