Monday, June 4, 2012

5/31 Food Lion Trip: OM Cat Still Working


The Oscar Mayer catalina offer ($4 cat wyb 5 OM items) is good through 6/10/12 so you have another week to take advantage of it!

I stopped in Food Lion last week because I needed almond extract but couldn't pass up the marked down packs of OM.

Transaction #1

OM lunchmeat x 5 ($.69) = $3.45 *markdown*

Total: $3.54
Saved: $1.50
Received: $4 catalina

Transaction #2

OM lunchmeat x 5 ($.69) = $3.45 *markdown*
Beef ribs = $5.00 *markdown*
FL almond extract = $2.48

Total: $11.20
Saved: $3.50
Received: $4 catalina

So now I have $8 more in catalinas to spend this coming week!


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